Marika Kivinen has worked as a singing teacher with undergraduate students and professionals, with children and youth and mature beginners and amateurs. She has successfully coached students to professional studies and professional productions.
In her work she has a holistic approach, which tends to the mind-body connection. She focuses on positive pedagogy and on fostering individual creativity. Ethical considerations are at the core of her work.
She integrates movement, breath work and techniques for alleviating stress into her vocal teaching. She has attended courses and classes in the Alexander Technique, Essential Motion and Il Corpo Cantante — The Singing Body.
Marika is a classically trained singer, but has also taught pop/jazz and rhythm music.
She integrates feminist and norm-sensitive pedagogy in her work and together with singing teacher Demian Seesjärvi she has published an article in a handbook on feminist pedagogy.
She is currently, together with Hanna Lammi and Leena Unkari-Virtanen, editor of a publication on mind-body approaches in voice pedagogy (will be published in November 2021).
Essential Motion
Il Corpo Cantante
Demian Seesjärvi